25 July 2008

Strange Eggs

I've been working with nesting sea turtles for about 15 years, and I must say this is the strangest nest I've ever seen. I really wish I'd seen the nesting adult -- she may have an injury or illness that lead to these unusual eggs. The smaller, "spacer", eggs in here aren't so unusual, but they're not very common in a loggerhead nest.

This one didn't have a shell or a yolk. Just plain odd. It was just an opaque white jelly with sand on it.

I've been calling this the "Snowman". Can you see why?

This one reminds me of the symbol for infinity.

What would you call this one?

A ghost crab had invaded the nest by the time Cinnamon located it on the morning of July 24 (this is nest SR7241). S/he'd left behind this sliced egg that wasn't placed in the relocated nest as it may lead to mold and mildew growth in addition to attracting ants and other predators.

I hope the nest will do well it's new location.

Isn't the dune I moved it to just gorgeous?

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Hello World!

Hello World!
Which way to the sea?