27 February 2008

Winter is Back

Winter came back with a vengeance today. With the flowers blooming and the birds changing to their breeding plumage, I was hoping winter was finally gone. The 30 degree morning, with a 20 mile an hour north wind eliminated that hope!

Still, it was quite beautiful on the beach. I headed to Santa Rosa for the day and enjoyed seeing parts of the north shore I'd never seen before. The north wind and cold weather seem to make some really low tides here.

The south shore was a blur as blowing sand from the dunes to the north was reshaping the beach, right before my eyes.

I understand the transient nature of barrier islands, but I'm still awed by the power of nature each time I see it in action. Change happens much more quickly than we imagine!

Even forests tend to move on these brutal shifting land masses. Some die from salt water inundation and wind...

While others start anew on fresh blown sands forming new real estate.

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International Coastal Clean-Up!

The 2008 Coastal Clean-Up on Santa Rosa Island was a great success, but we can work together to make everyday a Coastal Clean-up Day... Help us keep our beaches beautiful!

For details on the 2009 coastal clean-up efforts in Pensacola or in your area, or other ways you can help, click here.

Hello World!

Hello World!
Which way to the sea?