12 September 2008

First Look at Santa Rosa in Daylight...

I headed out to Santa Rosa today in an attempt to check on the island, and nests SR7081 and SR 7111. No one had been out there since my water-soaked journey the other night.

Mark and I had tried to get to the Santa Rosa are Thursday, and found the road flooded and covered with sand, so I drove to Navarre Beach to access the park from the east gate.

I was happy to see Navarre Beach had their double red flags out, which makes it illegal to swim in the Gulf. It's a great idea as it protects visitors, and lifeguards alike! It's so easy to underestimate the power of the surf, or think you're invincible. Believe me, none of us is!

Even though the surf was much calmer than yesterday, Navarre Beach was flooded. That didn't bode well for the park!

As the surf continued to flow over the berm at intervals, it was apparent the water would be there for a while longer. It's a good thing the rebuilt houses are all up so high!

The entrance to the Park was a bit flooded as well, so I parked my truck and ATV outside the gate and prepared to walk through the water, hopefully far enough to check the nests I'd left the other night.

With the decreasing tide and surf, and sunlight, it was easier to see the road. It's there, just a bit buried under sand and water.

I didn't make it all the way to Opal Beach as it would have taken hours, and there were still other areas to check. I'll be out there tomorrow though -- hope to see some of you back out on the beach, even if it's still too rough for a swim!

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International Coastal Clean-Up!

The 2008 Coastal Clean-Up on Santa Rosa Island was a great success, but we can work together to make everyday a Coastal Clean-up Day... Help us keep our beaches beautiful!

For details on the 2009 coastal clean-up efforts in Pensacola or in your area, or other ways you can help, click here.

Hello World!

Hello World!
Which way to the sea?